Retail Products

Montana Lamb and Beef is a licensed retailer which means customers can purchase lamb or beef in individual packages. To purchase, please contact me personally.  Products vary throughout the year and this is a list of what often is available:


  • Burger in 1 pound packages
  • Patties in 12 pound boxes (patties are 1/3 pound each)
  • Various Steaks
  • Various Roasts
  • Brats are 4 to package and there are several varieties such as Hawaaiin, Jalapeno Cheddar, Cheddar and Regular


  • Burger in 1 pound packages
  • Sage Breakfast Sausage in 1 lb pkgs
  • Garlic Brats
  • Loin Chops
  • Shanks
  • Roasts
ground beef
ground lamb
lamb sausage
lamb chop
ground beef patties
beef label
lamb label